Professional Services

Audit services

Nature and scope of our work :
We conduct a statutory audit in accordance with international standards on auditing and Egyptian laws, which require our planning and performance of the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements as a whole are not materially misstates.

In conducting our audit, we perform tests of the accounting records and such other procedures we consider necessary in the circumstances to provide a reasonable basis for our opinion considering the financial statement.
We examine, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. We also assess the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluate the overall financial statement presentation.
We ensure that the financial statements comply with the Egyptian Accounting Standards, which are on line with the International Accounting Standards.

Auditing responsibilities :
Dealing with auditing, our responsibility is to express our opinion considering the financial statements. The responsibility for the financial statements and all representations therein rests with the management. Management is also responsible for the selection of sound accounting policies and the implementation of an internal control structure to maintain the reliability of the financial statements and provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance against the possibility of errors and irregularities that are material to the financial statement.

As a result of inherent limitations in international control, and the test nature and other limitations of an audit, our audit can not provide absolute assurance that there are no misstatements in the financial statements resulting from fraud, irregularities or error.

Management letter :
During the course of our work matters may come to our attention relating weaknesses in internal control or areas where it may be possible to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your operations. We will report any such matters of significance to you in the form of a management letter.
The extent to which we examine internal control, and hence have the opportunity to observe weaknesses, is impacted by our determination of the most efficient audit approach.

We are not required by auditing standards to make an examination of internal control beyond that, which we make in determining the nature, extent, and timing of our other audit procedures, and we have not been engaged to report on the projects’ structure. As part of our audit process, we will request from management a written confirmation concerning representation made to us in connection with the audit.

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